Wednesday, August 12, 2009

well here we are in the information/technology age...means no excuses...everything begins with diet...your energy level, your the old addage says you are what you eat so stop eating meat...we've been mislead into thinking that meat is a food group, when the food group is protein. Meat based diets are the biggest killer on the planet and the farm animals that are raised to be killed are the biggest source of greenhouse gases on the planet...hmmm...from personal experience i have noticed the benefits of a plant based diet...and men you don't need viagra and such, just change your diet. As i have evolved i got more and more into raw food and i try to consume 85 to 100% raw food on a daily basis...realize that we are the only creature on the planet that doesn't naturally exist on a raw diet and realize that the largest animals on the planet consume nothing but veggies... i could go on but i want to hear what you think. let's discuss