Tuesday, November 30, 2010

raw food

been talking alot about raw foods lately...humans are the only animal on the planet that cooks it's food and then wonders why they are sick...we are raised to think we need meat and really we need protein and there are much better sources of protein besides meat....but back to raw food... when u cook your food you break down all the nutrients and enzymes that it contains and your amazing human body is able to reassemble them for use... when you consume raw food your body does not have to spend excess energy getting the nutrients out of your food as you can assimilate them in their natural state...it is funny people's aversion to raw food as if they are going out to the field and biting cows and chickens and slurping raw eggs...fresh fruit and vegetables are consumed raw by almost every one yet they really don't think of it in that regard...eating raw is beneficial in so many ways,your energy level will rise your immune system will be stronger, men can throw out their viagra, your skin will glow and your overall feeling of health will have you wondering why you were cooking your food in the first place...i try to stay at least 80% raw, because sometimes you do just want some "comfort food" but then i like to go weeks at a time being 100% raw and i love it...alot of times people are hard on themselves for not being able to maintain their diet as optimal as they would like, but do what you can when you can and dont make yourself feel bad about it, sometimes i feel bad when i eat something cooked and then i remember that i used to eat dead meat and i laugh(some girl back in high school told me i laugh too much, as if)...and then people think eating raw means salads all the time, but if you invest in a dehydrator and food processor or a blender you can greatly expand the meals you prepare and add endless variety to your diet. love yourself, take care of your body, be in tune with the universe not with worldly propaganda...some recipes oh yeah food is considered raw up to about 105 degrees which is when the nutrients start to break down so you don't have to crunch ice all the time;)

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